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Freedom Club USA - The Truth About Freedom. NESARA & 9. 11. NESARA & 9. 11 Read with an Open Heart, take what you may let the rest prove itself. After all we are moving back into our Divine Nature which is the most fantastic thing of all. Some good history about NESARA & St. Germain. Dear ones,As outrageous as this lengthy message sent me by my friend Milson from Canada may seem, it will soon be revealed to be the truth!

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Watch Brewster`S Millions Tube Free

For those of you  who are in the Prosperity programs, there is much background info that you should know about, if you do not already. Watch Stomping Ground Youtube. And for those of you who are on the "gifting lists" it will provide some excellent clarification. As all of you are aware, we are on the brink of some major changes in our world and many of the details are provided in this report. I would suggest you may with to print this message, read it at your leisure when you have time to absorb it and then stay the observer as you watch this whole scenario play out and play out it is, as you read this.


There was an enigmatic character by the name of Saint Germain. He learned the secrets of alchemy by studying ancient esoteric knowledge into the occult he was literally able to turn lead into gold, rocks into diamonds, and later was able transmute his mortal body into a immortal angel conquering death itself. With his "elixir of life" and positive thinking he never aged at all. According to Germain "It is the activity of our nerves, the flame of our desire, the acid of our fears, which daily consume our organism. He who succeeds in raising himself above his emotions, in suppressing in himself anger and the fear of illness, is capable of overcoming the attrition of the years and attaining an age at least double that at which men now die of old age."Comte de Saint Germain"A man who knows everything and who never dies," - Voltaire Comte de Saint Germain was noted for rubbing elbows with the monarchies, many of which commented on his elaborate shoes stubbed with $4. No one knew the source of his income.

Then around 1. 72. German bankers in hopes that they would use the money to help humanity. Using his techniques, they along with the monarchies choose to squander the money for themselves. Even to this day, these bankers have continued to keep this knowledge secret.  Eventually Saint Germain realized the money was never going to be used for benevolent purposes so he pulled his money out and in 1. World Trust." At the founding of the trust it was stipulated that this money would be released in the year 2.

Shop Amazon's Deal of the Day, Lightning Deals, and Best Deals, featuring hand-picked deals with low prices on top products updated daily. George Formby, OBE (born George Hoy Booth; – 6 March 1961), was an English actor, singer-songwriter and comedian who became known to a worldwide.

Bank Roll Programs. Watch Long Nights Short Mornings Streaming. Around the turn of the century, the children of robber barons, and "banksters" began to see the error in their parent's evilness and their use of wealth. These 1. 00 children are known as "wealthy visionaries".  Together they invested some of their families money into secret money roll programs, to be used for humanitarian purposes.    The bank roll programs, allow wealthy investors to make insane profits by ripping off the assets and resources from third world nations. The profits from these programs are utterly astronomical as monthly returns can be in excess of 1: 1.

The name "roll programs" comes from a method of rolling money over and over in short periods of time. At the end of each cycle investors then reinvest or "roll" the principle and interest earned over into the next cycle.

WCIA view of sign across the top of the building and the "old radio tower" which served as support for the microwave antenna which sent the signal of. The Kind of sensorship like when we type certain (((words))) we get put into the Moderarion holding tank. That is not free speech either. We should alway have free. Back to Sam's Laser FAQ Table of Contents. Back to Items of Interest Sub-Table of Contents. Introduction to Items of Interest This chapter represents a potpourri of.

In the late 1. 99. Money earned from these bank roll programs became known as the "Prosperity Programs" Over time the programs were secretly opened up to small investors so that one could invest as little as one hundred dollars at a time. These small amounts were handled by trustees, who collected the money and kept records, and combined the small investments into the large amount, let's say, one million dollars, that was required in order to enter a "roll".    The news of these programs spread by word of mouth and especially via multi- level marketers. Thousands of people invested and great wealth was generated, but little, if anything was ever paid back to the investors.  Trustees such as Clyde Hood and Mike Kodaski were sent to jail under false charges. Then corruption, greed, and fraud became wide spread among the bankers, government, and even some trustees who wanted to steal the money for themselves. Even the Bush family had their hands in the pot, using Promis Software they could transfer stolen funds without being traced. Many have died because of this wealth, but God has another plan for humanity.  The time has now come to release these Prosperity Funds and the funds from Saint Germain's World Trust.

This money will be used to buy out all oil corporations, banks, pharmaceutical cartels, and zero out all debt.  2. World Trust into a net worth in excess of one quattuordecillion dollars, or $1,0. That's 1 with 4. 0 zeros behind it.

This is enough money to buy a gold cube the size of the orbit of Saturn. So astronomical most people will not believe it!  The money from the World Trust will be distributed in the following  manner.  Level One - - World Trust. This is under the trusteeship of Master St. Germain.

At his direction The World Trust can only be activated for payout at only two times during any given year, Easter and Christmas. At St. Germain's orders the World Court activates the funding process.

This process continues down through the four lower levels of trusts to the people, and under certain conditions the funding window remains open until the next holiday funding window begins. For example, if the Easter window is activated, the window can remain open until December 2.

Christmas, at which time it closes. The window remains open only if significant funds are moved to certain designated trusts during a set period of time.

If not, the funding window is closed when such deadlines are not met.  Level Two - - These are the 1. Royal Trusts under the control of trustees in various sovereign countries. Watch Divorce Invitation Online Iflix. Examples are The French Trust, The Russian Trust, and the Vatican Trust.  Level Three - - These are the Family Trusts under the control of trustees of the world's wealthiest families. Examples are Bronfman, Warburg, Morgan, Rothschild, and Rockefeller.  Level Four - - These are the 2. Corporate Trusts under the control of trustees from powerful companies and corporations.

This entry was posted on 10/30/2017.