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How do you pronounce kilometer? When I was in Canada, it was really cool to see everyone using the metric system. But what made me a little nuts was how everyone pronounced the word kilometer. Is it kil- AW- meter or KILL- o- meter? I make my case for the latter in the video below.

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If you disagree with me, then I can state quite objectively and maturely that you are wrong wrong wrong. When I was giving my first talk in Canada I actually mentioned this, and got a lot of applause from right- thinking people. The others were strangely (ominously?) silent. Perhaps they were tuning up their kill- o- meters.

Note: in the video I use the spelling decameter. I have seen it as dekameter as well, and in some dictionaries it says decameter is the old way to spell it.

Well, maybe. I still like it, so I used it. If I can rant about pronunciation, I can rant about spelling, too. Watch Fugly! Online Facebook.

Sense8 (a play on the word sensate / ˈ s ɛ n s eɪ t /) is an American science fiction drama web television series created by Lana and Lilly Wachowski and J. NATURA : AMORE: ARTE: ANIMALI: CITTÀ: NATALIZI: RICORRENZE: PAESAGGI: FIORI: VARIE: Dipinto di Salvador Domènec Felip Jacint Dalí, Olio su Tela "Noia alla finestra.

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The Hollywood Reporter is your source for breaking news about Hollywood and entertainment, including movies, TV, reviews and industry blogs. A lovesick X Factor hopeful Jordan Rabjohn won over judges with his never ending audition dedicated to a holiday romance.

First look at Artemis in the upcoming Ready Player One film. Image: Empire Ready Player One, the best-selling ode to virtual reality and nerd-dom, is finally becoming. Buy tickets for an upcoming Bob Dylan concert near you. Watch The River Murders Online Forbes'>Watch The River Murders Online Forbes. Watch Timer Putlocker. List of all Bob Dylan tickets and tour dates for 2017. When I was in Canada, it was really cool to see everyone using the metric system. But what made me a little nuts was how everyone pronounced the word.

This entry was posted on 9/28/2017.