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Anthropology Notes for future players. Candidate Profile. Education. Introduction. Electronic Vs Paper material. Tempo and style. Struggle of a Senior player.
Working professional. Prelims (CSAT) General studies. Prelims (CSAT) Aptitude. Prelim accuracy. Mains: Compulsory language paper.
First Aid is one of the easiest to level, yet extremely vital secondary skill. Watch Don`T Knock Twice Putlocker# there. Its ability to offer a free heal in the heat of the battle makes it more or less.
Mains: Essay. General Studies (Mains) paper 1. General studies (Mains) paper 2. General studies (Mains) Paper 3. General Studies 4: Ethics, Integrity, aptitude. Mains answer- writing? Mains Optional Subject.
Download Anthropology notes. Before the interview. During the interview. CSE- 2. 01. 5 Marksheet. Career Backup. Views on UPSC reforms. Insecurity about profile. Wisdom. Credit: Friends/family.
BOGUS Marketing Propaganda. Candidate Profile. Q. Details. Name. S. Chitharanjan. Rank in CSE- 2. Roll No. 1. 55. 54. Age. 26. Total attempts in CSE (including this one)0.
[Topper’s Interview] S.Chitharanjan (Rank-574/CSE-2015) Sharing Anthropology Notes for future players, Secundarabad, Asst. Commandant in ITBP,Earlier ACIO. PARTY BEN ON HOUSE NATION SEPTEMBER 10, 2011 DOWNLOAD - 60MB 256kbps mp3 (mediafire link) Tracklisting: 1. Emeli Sande – Heaven 2. Cassius - Sound of Violence (2011. Listado de juegos ordenado alfabéticamente: ¿El juego que buscas no está en la lista? ¡Pídelo Aquí! SIXX MIXX 110 - 12/23/2005. Right-click for remaster download: 73MB mp3 Listen: Sixx Mixx 110 - 12/23/2005 - Christmas Edition 1. DJ John – The Christmas Massacre. I find that Asian cinematography has a completely unique style to it, it would be interest to see some reviews on some Asian films such as “Chunking Express” and. Buscando temas para la sección "Top 10" me decidí a dedicar un espacio a los mejores personajes femeninos del comic. Empecé a confeccionar una lista que me dio a.
Optional Subject. Anthropology. Schooling Medium. English. College medium. English. Medium chosen for Mains answers. English. Medium chosen for Interview. English. Home town/city. Secunderabad. Work- experience if any.
Worked as an Assistant Central Intelligence Officer (ACIO) from 2. Jan 2. 01. 6Right now working as an Assistant Commandant, ITBP. Details of other competitive exams, including success/failures. Cleared ACIO- II exam (Intelligence Bureau) in 2. Cleared CAPF 2. 01. AIR# 2. 39)Details of coaching, mock tests, postal material for any competitive exam (if used)I didn’t get an opportunity to take coaching for Anthropology or General Studies as I have been working (took coaching for Geography and Public Administration in 2. Service preferences (Top- 5)IPS> IAS> IFS> IRS(IT)> IRS(C)state cadre preference (Top- 5)Telangana> Andhra Pradesh> Karnataka> Tamil nadu> Maharasthra.
Education% in class 1. Graduation course and %7. Name of college, city, passing out year. Sri Ramachandra College of Pharmacy,Sri Ramachandra University,Chennai. Passing out year – 2. Post- graduation. MBA in Human resource management,Osmania University,Hyderabad.
Passing out year – 2. Any other professional courses. Basic and Advanced Mountaineering Courses. Hobbies & Extracurricular achievements. Rock Climbing,Numismatics. Mountaineering. Scaled Mt. Phulang and Mt. Brumkhangse in North Sikkim in two different mountaineering expeditions.
Introduction. Q. Tell us something about yourself, your family, when and why did you enter in this field of competitive exams? I have always been an above average last bench student throughout my academics. Because of few personal experiences which I have faced in my college days drove me to pursue some profession which is powerful enough to fight injustice. So I shifted from pharmacy to academics/ profession involving more of studying people and their behavior (Human resources and Intelligence Bureau) and simultaneously started preparing for Civil Services. In August 2. 01. 2, I joined as an ACIO- II in Intelligence Bureau and I cleared CAPF, 2. ITBP as an Assistant Commandant in 2. My father is a Metropolitan Sessions Judge in Hyderabad, my mother is a Home maker and my younger sister is an Advocate. I’m native of Warangal and we settled in Secunderabad, Telangana.
Electronic Vs Paper material. Q. In recent times, there is spur in electronic material- blogs, sites, pdfs, RSS- feeds. Many aspirants feel bogged down by this information overload. So, how much do you rely on electronic material and how much on the paper material (Books, newspapers)? If possible, narrate a typical day in your studylife. What is your style of preparation (e.
I continue making notes no matter what I’m reading, I just read multiple times but don’t maintain notes, I make mindmaps on computer …or xyz style)There is a lot of material available in the market/internet. One should know what to study and what not to. Collect the online material and save them in different folders accordingly for future reference. I avoided reading bulky books and preferred reading more of concise versions of books which are available @iasabhiyan.
I used to read articles from mrunal. I didn’t waste time making notes from newspapers because they are already prepared by many online sites like insightsonindia, iasbaba and I took printouts of important ones and categorically filed them for further revision. I STRONGLY RECOMMEND LISTENING TO ALL INDIA RADIO NEWS ANALYSIS and make notes of it. One thing for sure is we are preparing our Ph. D thesis, all we want is 1. But there are some standard books like Laxmikanth, Spectrum , GC.
Leong which u can’t afford to skip them. My formula is read more from many sources for Prelims (because of uncertainty of questions) and Write more for Mains from limited reliable sources.
Tempo and style. Q. People know what books and syllabus points are to be prepared. But most of them lack consistency in their preparation. So, how do you keep study momentum going on? How do you fight against the mood swings and distractions? Target based study is key to my success. I used to design a study plan for every 1.
I don’t waste facebooking and whatsapping. Watch The Family Online Gorillavid. I used to study for an hour then take 5 mins gap and again switch over to another subject so that I don’t get bored with one subject, staring at a single page.
After lunch, one hour sleep to refresh my mood. I used to make sure that my day ends happily with a documentary or a thrilling TV serial (definitely not desiwala). Once in a fortnight, a day off (chill out with friends and family) and once in 6. I used to plan an adventure trip with friends for. Struggle of a Senior player.
Q1. How did you survive through this mental prison and what’re your words of wisdom to other senior players? If any specific inspirational incident(s), please share. I believe in Law of Attraction– you always get want you want, sincerely want.
All you have to do is ask, sincerely ask. As we all know Energy neither can neither be created nor destroyed but only transformed from one form to another… all you have to do is put your energy into what you want to be. The higher you aim, higher energy it demands. Believe in flow of energy, the energy you spent will never go waste. Q2. What went wrong in your previous attempt?
What changes did you make in this current attempt? My first attempt in 2. Geography and Public Administration). I got selected as an ACIO- II and I took two years gap to focus more on my profession. Again in 2. 01. 4 I couldn’t even clear prelims because of my poor performance in CSAT paper II.
In 2. 01. 5, making CSAT paper qualifying made things easier for me. In 2. 01. 5 attempt I shifted to Anthropology from Geography. Being from science background made things easier for me in Anthropology and I didn’t even take any coaching for it. I prepared my own notes from various sources covering 9.
It took 4 months to prepare my own notes and revised it regularly with recent updates (I will share my notes soon on this forum). I dedicated 2 hours daily for writing practice for both GS, optional and Essay. I answered day to day questions from Secure 2. Insightsonindia. com and compared them with others who posted their answers in the above platform. Working professional. If you’re a working professional, share some tips on how to manage studies with job.
Simple answer- I took leave before my Mains examination. Once you are sure about your prelims result you can risk taking EOL. Utilise your after work hours smartly focusing more on conventional topics. Prelims (CSAT) General studies. Topicstrategy/booklist/comment. History Ancient. TN NCERTHistory Medieval. TN NCERTHistory Modern (Freedom Struggle)Spectrum, NCERT compilations,Indian Freedom struggle by Bipin Chandra (not compulsory)Culture and society.
GK Today material, CCRT notes, NCERT compilations. Polity (theory + current)Laxmikanth, NCERTEconomy (theory + current)Mrunal articles, Key concepts of Economy (Sankar IAS material), NCERT compilations. Science (theory + current)NCERT Compilations. Environment (theory + current)Shankar IAS material, GK today materialgeography physical.
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